Legalised translations

Legalised translations

Sometimes sworn translation is not enough on its own. In this situation, you’ll need to have the translation legalised after it is sworn. The legal authority of the official who countersigned the sworn translation is confirmed, and their signature authenticated.

The legalisation takes place at the same Public Prosecutor’s Office where the official signed the sworn translation’s oath statement. This means that if an official signs the oath statement in Bologna, then it cannot be legalised in Milan.


If you’ll be using the translation in a country that is part of the Hague Convention, you’ll also need an Apostille. This attests that the document is authentic and the official who issued it has legal authority.

Consular legalisation

Some countries require that your sworn and legalised documents are legalised by a diplomatic or consular representative in Italy. After this, they’ll be legally valid in that country.

Costs, timings, and processes vary from consulate to consulate. At Interbrian, we can help and support you with any consular paperwork or procedures. So, get in touch if you need help legalising documents, certificates or business registrations or obtaining a visa for your passport.

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